In this article, we will master the fundamentals of creating Python Function with an example. Let’s take a python function program. Here is the problem statement:
Problem Statement for python function program:
Build a dictionary from below paragraph, with each words as key and Frequency of occurrence of that word as value .Use the below sample paragraph to use .
Paragraph=”””Gift not free is not a gift . Nothing is free in this world . World if full of gifts .“””
Actual Code:
def wordCount(a):
# Initiate a blank dictionary
#we need to all words in the Paragraph as a list using a.split() and then need to
iterate over the each list items or words
for i in a.split() :
#take each word and upper case it and check whether it's not there in the Dictionary we initiated and if not then assign a value of 1
if i.upper() not in wdict.keys():
#If it's there in the dictionary we initiated then just add 1 in the value . Consider using upper otherwise it will consider gift and Gift as different words
# return the dictionary once the loop ends.
return wdict
Paragraph="""Gift not free is not a gift . Nothing is free in this world . World if full of gifts ."""
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